Your ideal home would fit your needs.
Your home should be designed for your budget.
How can I help your project become your ideal home?
Who can design a beautiful home for you?
Allow me to introduce myself.
Visit my other pages to see examples of my work.
My Experience and Training
I have completed the following courses:
I am also the organizer of The Mountain Home Show, a community trade show and web site that promotes the local construction industry.
How to Contact The Mountain Home Show
This web site contains information obtained from various sources.
The Mountain Home Show is not liable for the accuracy of this information.
Please contact the source of this information with your questions.
Are you in search
of the ideal
mountain home?
Do you want your
mountain home
to be the best
it can be?
Do you want a home
that fits
your needs,
your property,
and your budget?
The ideal home
begins with
good design.
You don't work, entertain, or live like everyone else.
If you are going to build or remodel, why waste your time and money on a compromise?
The ideal home should be designed for you.
Your ideal home should be designed for your property.
Each property is different.
The slope, the view, the access,
and the direction of the sun
are all special to each lot.
If your home is well designed,
it will fit your property.
I want to visit your land,
take pictures, measurements, and then plan
your home to fit your property.
How can a home be designed for your needs and your property without going over budget?
To help us control the budget, I provide rough cost estimates at each step of the design.
To reduce costs without compromising quality, I follow these 10 principles:
1. To reduce the cost of excavation and foundation work I design the home ot fit the slope. (This also provides a more stable foundation and better access).
2. A simple, well designed structure costs less to build (and is stronger).
3. Good planning can reduce wasted space.
4. A higher quality insulation system can reduce maintenance and energy costs, while making the home more comfortable.
5. A well designed roof can reduce costs (and be attractive, simple to build, and easier to maintain).
6. A huge savings in energy costs can be made if the roof shades the glass from hot summer sun, while letting the winter sun warm the glass. (This is also makes the home more comfortable and reduces maintenance costs).
7. Money saved by building a smaller home can help you afford better quality.
8. A better designed heating and cooling system can reduce construction and energy costs and can keep your home more comfortable.
9. Many newer appliances and lighting systems use much less energy.
10. Better quality design, materials, and construction can reduce construction, energy, and maintenance costs.
A good design can pay
for itself. A good set of plans
can help all the trades people
get on the same page.
Good planning can help avoid a lot of
problems. It can also help your ideal home
fit your needs, your property, and your budget.
Of course your home should be much more than an investment. It should be much more than a house.
That is why I continue studying principles that help me create designs that are beautiful, practical, and personal.
While your home should be a healthy home, energy efficient, handicap accessible, and storm resistant,
even more importantly it should be designed for YOU, your plans and dreams, your needs, and your concerns.
To design the best possible home for you, I need to get to know you. The more I know, the better I can design your ideal home.
My name is Richard C. MacCrea. I have been designing and planning custom homes since 1987.
You will find that I am a good listener. I want your home to improve your life.
New Homes I have Designed
Each was specially designed for
the client's needs, property, and budget.
Enjoy these experiences.
Remodeling Projects I have Designed
When remodeling, there is an opportunity
to fix many issues. It is a pleasure
to satisfy the client while making
their home more energy efficient and
better equipped for their needs as they age.
My Procedures for Designing and Planning
These procedures help me do a better job for
my clients in a way that is fair to all.
I would like you to know how I work
before you decide to hire me.
In the early 1980's I managed the engineering, estimating, and research and development departments of a metal building company.
Since then I have enjoyed designing and planning both new homes and remodeling projects.
I have also completed many classes to help me design homes that are more energy efficient, healthy, strong, and durable.
I am interested in passive solar homes, indoor air quality, and everything "green."
Earthcraft House Building Class
Georgia State Energy Code Class
ECO Block Professional Installer and Estimator Course
Pella Window and Door Designer Class
Truss Joist Design Class
Florida State Hurricane Code Class
I teach seminars on energy efficiency.
How to Contact Richard C. MacCrea
My Facebook Page
(Design news and ideas)
Email Me
(Opens an email window)
800.738.8781 P.O. Box 446, Murphy, North Carolina 28906
Other Pages on this Web Site
The Mountain Home Show, Home Page and Site Map
(How to find what you're looking for)
The Next Mountain Home Show Program
(For guests and exhibitors)
How to Get in The Mountain Home Show
(For exhibitors)
(About designing, building and remodeling a mountain home)
The Mountain Model Home
(A home that experiments with extreme energy efficiency)
The Mountain Model Cabin
(A cabin that experiments with small size and energy efficiency)
Construction Diary
(The joys and frustrations of building these two model homes)
Home Designing and Planning
(How to get plans for building or remodeling your home)
Email Us
(Opens an email window)
Like our Facebook Page
(Join our Mountain Home Show Community for news and contacts)
The Mountain Home Show, P.O. Box 446, Murphy, North Carolina 28906-0446
The Mountain Home Show owes its success to the businesses that participate in the show.
They arrange such wonderful exhibits.
It is obvious that they take great pride in their work and our show.