Our GREEN Index
To make this easier for you we indexed the links to all of our pages
GREEN Articles (General Subjects)
GREEN Articles (Specific Subjects)
GREEN Projects
How to Contact The Mountain Home Show
This web site contains information obtained from various sources.
The Mountain Home Show is not liable for the accuracy of this information.
Please contact the source of this information with your questions.
The Mountain Home Show has been promoting sustainable building for many years.
Now this has become popular, and many are asking how their mountain home can be green.
This does not mean sacrifice.
It means having a home that is more comfortable, healthy, clean, and less expensive to operate.
It also means doing what is right to keep our mountains beautiful.
about designing, building, or remodeling green.
Some of these articles and homes have been on our web site for years.
New projects can be seen on our Facebook page linked at the bottom of this page.
Where Can I Find a Plan for My Mountain Home?
There is no better way to build green than planning your home for its site.
Is a "Green" Home for You?
What does green building mean, and is it for you?
A Diary of Building Our Own Home
My experiences of designing and building my own green home
Learn More about Energy Efficient Programs for Mountain Homes
Programs to help you make your home green
Building for Rising Energy Costs
8 ideas to make your mountain home more energy efficient
How Do We Build for the Future of our Mountain Communities?
Development for our mountain communities that is green and profitable
Design Trends for the Mountains
A section on why green is becoming popular
Designing a Nice Mountain Home
Good planning is the key to a great mountain home.
Ten Steps to Building a Home in the Mountains
How to avoid mistakes that might ruin your home or your mountain property.
Why Design Your Home for the Disabled?
Accessibility is green too.
Designing The Mountain Model Home and The Mountain Model Cabin
Designing and planning two passive solar homes.
Energy Efficient Wall System
Experiences building with insulated concrete forms.
Better Concrete
How we made our concrete "green."
An experimental home that is extremely energy efficient
A cabin that is an example of super energy efficiency
A modern passive solar home that is beautiful and energy efficient
A super energy efficient home for my clients and their cats
A home with a fantastic view on a very steep lot
A super energy efficient home for a mountain subdivision
A small home for a small budget with passive solar
A "green" home with a ceramic studio
A traditional home that is very energy efficient
A simple home for a sloped lot with a nice view
A summer home with a phenomenal view
Making a difficult home accessible for wheelchairs
Making a store more energy efficient and comfortable
How to Contact Richard C. MacCrea
My Facebook Page
(Design news and ideas)
Email Me
(Opens an email window)
800.738.8781 P.O. Box 446, Murphy, North Carolina 28906
Other Pages on this Web Site
The Mountain Home Show, Home Page and Site Map
(How to find what you're looking for)
The Next Mountain Home Show Program
(For guests and exhibitors)
How to Get in The Mountain Home Show
(For exhibitors)
(About designing, building and remodeling a mountain home)
The Mountain Model Home
(A home that experiments with extreme energy efficiency)
The Mountain Model Cabin
(A cabin that experiments with small size and energy efficiency)
Construction Diary
(The joys and frustrations of building these two model homes)
Home Designing and Planning
(How to get plans for building or remodeling your home)
Email Us
(Opens an email window)
Like our Facebook Page
(Join our Mountain Home Show Community for news and contacts)
The Mountain Home Show, P.O. Box 446, Murphy, North Carolina 28906-0446
The Mountain Home Show owes its success to the businesses that participate in the show.
They arrange such wonderful exhibits.
It is obvious that they take great pride in their work and our show.